Thursday, January 8, 2009

Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Calls on 111th Congress to Oppose Anti-Worker Employee Free Choice Act

/PRNewswire/ -- The 500-member Coalition for a Democratic Workplace (CDW) today (January 7) released a letter it delivered to every member of the 111th Congress. In the letter, CDW urged members of the Senate and House "to oppose all efforts to pass any provision included in the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA H.R. 800/S. 1041 in the 110th Congress)."

"We wanted to take the opportunity to remind members of Congress of the overwhelming opposition from the business community, their constituents and union households to this anti-worker legislation," said Brian Worth with the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace. "This bill is a job-killer and fundamentally undemocratic."

The letter also stated:

"This legislation poses not only an assault on an individual's
right to privacy, but a direct threat to economic growth and job
creation. Particularly at a time of economic uncertainty, Congress
should not enact measures that threaten our economic
competitiveness, including the Employee Free Choice Act.
Furthermore, this legislation would have a particularly
devastating impact on small employers who are the primary source
for new jobs in our economy."

President-elect Obama's Administration and the new Congress will face its first true test early next year in the form of the anti-worker Employee Free Choice Act -- that allows unionization without secret ballots for workers. This Act, more aptly titled the Employee "Forced" Choice Act, is nothing short of a full-frontal assault on American democracy and worker privacy. Backed by union special interests and their Congressional allies, the anti-worker bill would effectively strip employees of the right to vote in private when deciding whether or not to join a union.

"It's ironic that members of Congress, all of whom were just elected by secret ballot, would even consider legislation that would remove that right for millions of American workers," added Worth.

CDW survey data indicates that support for maintaining private ballots in union organizing cuts across party lines. By a significant majority, Democrats, Republicans and Independents support maintaining a worker's right to cast their vote in private. Even among union households, a significant majority (69%) oppose the Employee Free Choice Act. And 76% of union voters say having a federally supervised secret ballot election is the best way to protect workers' rights when organizing a union.

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